Yesterday I called Heather to tell her that I thought the clock at my office had just did not seem to move all morning. Looong morning! The anticipation and excitement about seeing Morgan Kate, Heather and Travis was catching up with me. I thought about all the things I wanted to do while keeping MK for Heather and Travis to go to dinner (their Valentine date). I wanted to make sure we rocked, we read (a new book that Shelly - my coworker had sent). Thanks so much Shelly! I wanted to play with her with her toys, definately stroll her but most importantly I just wanted to sit and look at her....take in her beautiful face, those long eyelashes, those petite features and just marvel at the true miracle that she is. I paused and thanked God for this absolutely perfect little child.
The evening went great and an added plus was getting to spend time with Owens - our middle child. He and his dad ran out and picked up dinner for us (I owed him a meal for picking the wrong team to win the Super Bowl). He reminded me of the bet :) While eating our dinner, MK sat in her boppy seat and just wached us and once or twice smiled....I think she finds her Uncle O to be a funny guy. I look forward to the day when MK will realize just how much he loves her! In fact both of my boys adore her - she may not be able to date until she is in her 50's.
As our evening came to an end (her mommy and daddy came home) MK treated Gdaddy and I to a framed picture of her in a beautiful white hat - let me tell you, she is a hat girl but heck I think everything looks good on her. By the time we were leaving the house, MK was alseep but Gdaddy and I just had to slip in her room and watch her one final moment, blow her a kiss and pray that God will continue to watch over her each and every day.
Happy Valentine!
Mama Jean.
9 years ago
Hi Kathy,
I'm Kelly Korner's Mom and I just wanted to thank you for the sweet comment you wrote on Kelly's blog. I just read a little of your blog and know exactly what you mean by falling in love with a little baby immediately! I just feel I am dreaming! A wonderful dream, no doubt!
Hope your little MK is getting stronger every day. God has done such a work in our baby Harper's life. We will never be able to thank Him enough! But we will try!
Thanks again for the comment and congrats on being a grandma too! Ain't it grand???
Hi Ms. Hardison,
I have never visited your blog before b/c I just noticed it linked on Heather's blog. How precious this is to read the thoughts of a grandma. You have truly been a rock for Heather, and I know that she thanks God for you daily. We miss her so much at school, but we are very glad that MK is doing well. Heather seems to be such a natural mother. I know that she often stresses about little things, but I am amazed at her patience and faith. I'm sure she learned these things from you. I look forward to keeping updated on your blog now too! Welcome to the blogging is truly addictive.
:) Jessica
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