Thursday, October 22, 2009

Personality Types

A coworker and I were talking and he told me that he had recently studied personality types. He indicated that he studied four types (sanguine, melancholy, choleric and phlegmatic) and he went on to say what he thought his type was as well as the personality type of his wife. He laughed and said that he knew my type...choleric. He elaborated a little on his reasoning and left my office. Later in the day, I decided to read up on this and see what websites had to say about the personality types. I first investigated choleric.....strong willed, decisive, independent, confident, able to motivate the family, and excel during emergencies. I was feeling pretty good about myself and thinking it did sound somewhat like me. BUT then it listed the weaknesses of this personality....impatient, demanding of others, too independent, hesitant to say you are sorry, often give answers too quickly and can be inflexible. The air in my bubble was deflated because none of the weaknesses were too flattering, But each time I read back over these weaknesses, I realized that these words can describe me just as much as the strengths. I went one step further and read up about phlegmatic which is the personality trait of my hubby. Words such as low key, easy going, relaxed, keeps emotions hidden and all purpose, were words used to describe this personality trait. Another trait that popped out at me and caused me to laugh out loud was "not in a hurry". Anyone who knows my significant other knows just how true that is! It stated in my findings that these two personality types are compatible and compliment each other. I do agree.

It helps sometimes to see in black and white what your weaknesses might be and I am working on some of mine. I know that will delight my family :) What is your personality type - check them out and let me know. I think I agree with most of what I read, but definately not all of it.....there I go showing my choleric personality. Have a good evening!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Full Cirle and Empty Nest

I haven't blogged in a while....not because I don't have things to talk about I just haven't taken the time to put my thoughts in writing. Two things that are really striking close to home these days are the terms "full circle" and "empty nest". Let me try and explain...I'll start with empty nest because that is easy - no children at home. I have read some interesting aspects of the term empty nest syndrome. It surprised me that it is considered a syndrome but I guess no two people handle things in the same way. I understand there is a healthy way and a not so healthy way of handling this. I'm trying to go with the healthy way. For the record, I did wait for our last child to get out of the driveway before I immediately started cleaning his room (he he). In total honesty, I didn't do it until the next day. Whew - what a mess but what a relief to get it clean again. However I did have to stop, sit on his bed, and reflect back on the years he spent in that room. See his departure came rather suddenly and I had no time to think about it. I'm sure God realized how emotional it might be and allowed it to happen that way. From my reading, there is one thing they urge parents not to do. They don't want you to wake up, find that last child leaving the house, and you and your spouse are strangers! I'll never forget when our youngest was leaving that day he turned around to me and said "Mom is this going to be like the commerical when the last child leaves home, the parents go to Disneyworld"! I just laughed....we haven't been to Disneyworld but we have certainly taken advantage of good quality time together.

The next term "full circle" might not be as easy to explain but here a parent, I hope and pray that I have done the things necessary to prepare my children for life. In particular I am seeing the full circle in my "child having a child". I watched this past weekend as Morgan Kate is developing her personality and at times seems "strong willed" and I smile. I vividly remember her mom being that same way at her age and I'm sure if you asked my mom, she would say I was strong willed too. Just one of many examples of how I feel life is coming full circle. I look at full circle like a throw it out and hope it comes back. I feel like I gave it my all when raising my children and it is amazing to watch it "coming back" now in the way my grand child is being raised. I'm sure I'll have many more full circle moments or I certainly hope so.

Two terms, different meanings, but all a part of life and what a great life it is.