This past Sunday in our worship service, the children's moment leader held up a sign that said "Happy Thanksgiving". He then broke it out into three parts and asked the children three questions. What makes you HAPPY, what are you THANKful for and what can you GIVE. It made me stop and think and reflect this week alot. I think at times we tend to focus on the bad rather than the good. So I attempted to focus on the good.
First, when I think of what makes me happy the first thing that pops in my mind is the way God loves me unconditionally. Then I thought of my family.. .my amazing husband, my six children and my grandchildren, my mom, my mother in law and ALL of my extended family. Other things that make me happy (in no particular order) are my friends, hearing my granddaughter say "Hey KaKa", seeing my grandson smile when he hears my voice, having my children share their lives with me, having my children come home and look forward to spending time at home. A peaceful afternoon at the farm. Riding 4 wheelers. Cooking for my family. My church. Playing with my grandchildren. Rocking my grandchildren and watching them fall off to sleep. Smelling their sweet little heads. Morgan Kate's arms around my neck. Seeing the pride in Loitton's eyes when Morgan Kate wants to know "Where Gakor". Folly Beach. Day trips to Charleston with Loitton. Gracie. Traditions. Family time. More family time. I found the more I named, the more I could name. Happiness is all around me! Not every day brings happiness but that's ok. For this week, I am focusing on what makes me happy!
When I thought about being thankful.....the list that makes me happy is the same list that I am thankful for. I am also thankful for a good job, good health, and as odd as it sounds I am thankful for the negatives in my life as well. I think they have made me more determined, more humble and stronger.
As for the giving part. I know I should pass gratitude on. I can listen more closely. Love more deeply. Forgive more often. I need to give back as often as I can and share what God has so richly blessed me with.
I am happy. I am thankful and I am going to be better about giving. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Mama Jean.
9 years ago